Monday, September 17, 2012

maximum subset of Cuboid boxes that can fit into one another

Given a lot of cuboid boxes with different length, breadth and height. We need to find the maximum subset which can fit into each other. For example: If Box 1 has LBH as 7 8 9 If Box 2 has LBH as 5 6 8 If Box 3 has LBH as 5 8 7 If Box 4 has LBH as 4 4 4 then answer is 1,2,4 A box can fit into another only and only if all dimensions of that is less than the bigger box.Rotation of boxes is not possible.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/*Struct defining cube*/
typedef struct
    int l;
    int b;
    int h;

/*Cube compare function */
int cube_compare(const void *x, const void *y)
    const Cube *a = x;
    const Cube *b = y;

    if(a->l == b->l)
        if(a->b == b->b)
            return a->h - b->h;

        return a->b - b->b;
    return a->l - b->l;


/*Struct to hold successor info*/
typedef struct
    int next;
    int chainLength;

/*Checks whether cube 'a' fits into cube 'b' */
inline int cube_fits(Cube *a , Cube *b)
    return (a->l < b-> l)  && (a->b < b->b) && (a->h < b->h);

/*Prints all the cubes which fits into one another */
void max_fit_cubes(Cube cubes[], int n)

    //Fill the chain
    Successor nextCube[n];

    memset(nextCube, 0, sizeof(nextCube));

    int i = n - 1, j;

        for(j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
            if(cube_fits(cubes + i, cubes + j))
                if((nextCube[j].chainLength + 1) > nextCube[i].chainLength)
                    nextCube[i].chainLength = nextCube[j].chainLength + 1;
                    nextCube[i].next = j;

    //find the max chain
    int m = i = n - 1;

        if(nextCube[i].chainLength > nextCube[m].chainLength)
            m = i;

    //Now print the max chain

    printf("Max Chain Length: %d, m: %d\n", nextCube[m].chainLength, m);

        printf("(%d,%d,%d) =>", cubes[m].l, cubes[m].b, cubes[m].h);
        m = nextCube[m].next;


int main()
    int n;

    scanf("%d", &n);

    Cube cubes[n];

    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        scanf("%d%d%d", &(cubes[i].l), &(cubes[i].b), &(cubes[i].h));

    qsort(cubes, n, sizeof(Cube), cube_compare);

    max_fit_cubes(cubes, n);
    return 0;

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