Monday, January 16, 2012

Arrays & Strings

In C/C++, when a character array is initialized with a double quoted string and array size is not specified, compiler automatically allocates one extra space for string terminator ‘\0′. For example, following
program prints 6 as output.
int main()
  char arr[] = "geeks"; // size of arr[] is 5 and it is '\0' terminated
  printf("%d", sizeof(arr));
  return 0;
If array size is specified as 5 in the above program then the program works without any warning/error
and prints 5 in C, but causes compilation error in C++.
// Works in C, but compilation error in C++
int main()
  char arr[5] = "geeks"// arr[] is not terminated with '\0'
                                   // and its size is 5
  printf("%d", sizeof(arr));
  return 0;
When character array is initialized with comma separated list of characters and array size is not specified, compiler doesn’t create extra space for string terminator ‘\0′. For example, following program prints 5.
int main()
  char arr[]= {'g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's'}; // arr[] is not terminated with '\0' 
and its size is 5
  printf("%d", sizeof(arr));
  return 0;

void main(){
char arr[11]="The African Queen";
output:Compilation Error
Size of any character array cannot be less than the number 
of characters in any string which it has assigned. 
Size of an array can be equal (excluding null character) or 
greater than but never less than.

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