Thursday, January 5, 2012

Synchronisation I--Peterson's Solution

Describe Peterson's solution for solving critical section problem

Peterson's algorithm (AKA Peterson's solution) is a concurrent programming algorithm for mutual exclusion that allows two processes to share a single-use resource without conflict, using only shared memory for communication.

The Algorithm:
//flag[] is boolean array; and turn is an integer
flag[0]   = false;
flag[1]   = false;
P0: flag[0] = true;
    turn = 1;
    while (flag[1] == true && turn == 1)
        // busy wait
    // critical section
    // end of critical section
    flag[0] = false;
P1: flag[1] = true;
    turn = 0;
    while (flag[0] == true && turn == 0)
        // busy wait
    // critical section
    // end of critical section
    flag[1] = false;
The algorithm uses two variables, flag and turn. A flag[n] value of true indicates that the process wants to enter the critical section. The variable turn holds the ID of the process whose turn it is. Entrance to the critical section is granted for process P0 if P1 does not want to enter its critical section or if P1 has given priority to P0 by setting turn to 0.The algorithm does satisfy the three essential criteria[Mutual Exclusion,Progress,Bounded waiting] to solve the critical section problem.

Useful Links:

1 comment:

  1. Restricted to TWO processes that alternate execution between their critical sections and remainder sections

    To enter critical scetion Process Pi first sets flag i to be true and then sets turn to the vale of j,thereby asserting that if the other process wishes to enter the critical section it can do so

    int turn;
    boolean flag[2];

    while (flag[j] && turn ==j);

    critical section


    remainder se ction;

